Larger commercial premises can serve differently; while some may have been set up for office space, car dealership or for showroom purposes, other spaces may be used for flammable storage. However a single premise should only be used for an individual purpose. If you have the premise set to serve different commercial purposes you are likely to invite risks.
If your workshop has foam, make sure to include foam fire extinguishers. In case of a premise that involves garage works, the powder fire extinguishers Malta will work best. This kind of extinguisher works best on fire that may arise from paper, wood, fuel and paint. The powder extinguisher is highly effective in putting off fire. This kind of extinguisher is recommended for usage at garage workshops. CO2 on the other hand is suitable for use at areas where welding is performed. However, office spaces require the use of water based extinguisher since they create less mess. The main reason why dust extinguishers are not used at hotels, hospitals and nursing homes is because these chemicals create dust clouds which lead to a foggy surrounding making it difficult for individuals to find exits.
Fire extinguishers are of different types based on the kind of commercial activity performed in the area.
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